my vision is

Lifting human consciousness

About me, Luisa Maria

Since I was a little kiddo I was wondering what we humans are doing on this earth. I remember very vividly how I looked up to the stars into the infinite universe wondering: why are we here? To this day, I don't have an answer to that question. Though throughout my life I learned and I am still learning why I am here.

I realized very early on in my life that I am here to be free. I found the biggest joy in being in nature, climbing trees & exploring unknown territories. Nature was the place where I felt and still feel the most connected to myself and everything around. Peace and bliss around trees. I have this feeling and knowingness deep down somewhere stored in my body. A feeling that it all makes sense and that it all is perfect the way it is.

It is a feeling which cannot be described in words. And still I am here trying to transmit it to you. But really, it cannot be learned by reading a sentence on a website. Only felt and understood through experience.

I am sure you felt something like that before.

As time passed on I lost that feeling. I got lost. I lost my wild free fairy spirit. Some people call it growing up. I refuse to believe that that’s the truth.

If growing up looks like loosing my spark, being stuck in stale habits, depressed, chronically stressed and overall unhappy with the life I created for myself, I don’t want it.

Luckily I have this huge force driving me towards freedom and meaning. I am sure that that’s one of my gifts to this world. The never-ending question of: why are we here? keeps me on an ever-changing quest of finding meaning in this life.

For me there are different levels of freedom:

(All of them are interconnected. You cannot separate the body from the mind. You cannot separate the mind from your feelings and your physical sensations.)

I. Physical freedom. A privilege not all beings on this planet have. And even if you are fortune enough to have control over your body, there are multiple factors that still keep you trapped. We are living in a world which is not the healthiest of environments for life to thrive. Health=Freedom.

Conscious movement is a way of freeing oneself. As well as conscious consumption.

II. Mental freedom. As humans we all have a brain. We all have a past that shaped the neuronpathways operating in that brain. We all have a voice in our head which can chatter the whole day and night. We have a story about ourselves, we continue to tell over and over again. Core believes on which we base how we perceive life. We have our habits and coping mechanisms that define our day to day life.

Do your thoughts and auto-pilot control you? Did you ever question the story you have been told about how life works? Are you aware of your thoughts, your words and your actions? The moment you become aware of what is going on in your mind and your body you don’t need any strict rules anymore. You simply choose from a clear headspace what is ideal for you moving forward in that moment of time.

Evolutionary Astrology helps you rewrite your story and gain a bigger picture on WHY you are here. It allows you to fully embrace all parts of your multidimensional being. Aka owning who you are and serving life through being your unique self. Bringing awareness and clarity in all areas of your life.

Breath work and Meditation is a way of gaining clarity in your day to day life. Subconscious reprogramming through journaling, inner journeys & guided meditation rewrite old limiting believes and heal core wounds.

III. Spiritual freedom. That one is the trickiest of all to describe. I am still going to try. We are all going to die. Nothing in life is permanent. Because life itself can only exist with death. That is nature. Ever changing cycles of birth and death. The moment we let go of the fear of death we then truly become free. With death close to us as an advisor we make smart choices regarding the course of our life. This vessel and life is truly fragil. And at the same time there lives something in us that can never die.

Through Meditation we remember what we truly are. Remembering it dissolves the fear of death because you know that there is a part of you that is immortal and will only change in form. Separateness is an illusion. Deep down we are all the same. Coming from the same source. Returning into the same source.

Remembering is returning home.

My Vision :

human consciousness that strives towards a healthy sustainable world for all life to thrive. A world where each individual embodies freely their essence and contributes to a healthy whole.

Remembering on a soul level that we are ONE UNITY. Where people support each other and get together in order to rise together. With trust and compassion.

Imagine a world where everyone is fulfilled with what they do. Following their unique hearts and by that: doing work that matters.

I know that this reality is possible, solely because I am striving to live it everyday.

It all starts with you.

Returning home is returning back to nature.

In nature everything has a purpose.

You and I are nature.

You have your unique purpose.

Your life is meaningful.